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Previews Salone del Mobile 2013 – Sovet Italian

SOVET Italian



Design Massimo Zaniboni and Paola Bonazzi

A table consists of simple shapes that follow in a loop fluid, folds back on itself harmoniously. The overlap of the surfaces provides different levels of support and an optical effect of infinite form, emphasized in particular from distressed paint or plating of the base.


Technical info: curved glass coffee table sp.15mm. extrachiaro. Ground part lacquered back and supported by a wooden panel, sp. 20 mm.



Design Gianluigi Landoni

Penalty and fluidity is the combination that led to a table that draws its strength from the iconic contrasts: glass and wood; curved and straight; warm and cold materials. The original appearance of Lambda proposes to furnish the day with a hint of essential harmony.


Technical info: table with base in ash wood with oak stain finish, wenge or walnut. Top in Vetro temperat transparent transparent extrachiaro.





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Barbara Cignolini


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