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xxiv edition, 2013
SkrHeather, Nupur
Dyrafjordur, Iceland
Press release
The International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens, sponsored and organized by the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, also leads this year's campaign for attention on a site that contains assets of memory and the nature of particular density and presents significant scientific research and testing of methods and tools for knowledge and good governance of cultural.
The jury unanimously decided to dedicate the twenty-fourth edition (2013) of vegetable SkrHeather (Skrudur), to Nupur, a botanical garden, with a school and a church, is a site placed on the shore of one of the fjords that cut across the north-western region of Iceland, a few kilometers from the Arctic Circle, that helps us to read the fundamental themes of geography, the history and culture of that country.
Perched on a slope facing south-west towards the language of water Dýrafjörður, Skrúður is like a small clump of vegetation, surrounded in the back by solemn curtain of mountains from the hips moved by glacial erosion and downstream from a barren terrain that slopes down to the shore of the fjord. Next, school, a church and a community farm where Nupur opened at the beginning of the twentieth century, a project that in this land and in this place presents itself as a challenge to extreme environmental conditions and pressing instances of social improvement: cultivate the land and take care of a process aimed at knowledge, welfare, education, social elevation. Opened in 1909, The vegetable garden was born out of the hands of the Rev. Sigtryggur Guðlaugsson, a few years before, together with his brother Kristinn, Here he opened a school and an education program aimed at ransom by the agricultural backward, inspired by the ideas of Dane Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783-1872) spread to Iceland.
The ways in which we build and live in this garden are those usual to the working conditions of particular climatic harshness: draw a perimeter, in this case a rectangle of less than 70 meters in length for about 35 meters wide, tilling the soil and raising a protective fence, educate and convey useful information in this little world, land, water, many different species of vegetables, that beyond this fragile border would be overwhelmed by the forces of nature. The instruments are those of an experiment brave, stubbornly renewing his actions and goes into a hostile world with the force of an educational project that starts from the cultivation, of plants and young farmers.
Skrúður is therefore the dense core around which revolves a set of practical ways and symbolic meanings of the universal dialogue with nature, a place of learning and experimentation in his first forty years (1909-1949) I spent close to the school, thanks to the constant gaze of Sigtryggur Guðlaugsson and his wife Hjaltlina, be-comes a garden. It, After a period of relative neglect in the last decades of the twentieth century, has started a new life and continues, today, to innovate thanks to the care of a group of men and women in more recent years he's taken charge return in a 1996 visits and growing.
The country's cultural Prix begins with the public in Milan press conference 26 March 2013 and is at its best in Treviso in the days of Friday 10 and Saturday 11 next May, in a meeting with the Icelandic delegation, the publication of the dossier dedicated to the designated location, the opening of an exhibition of documentary materials, in seminar discussions, and ceremony, managers of the place, of you-Megillos designed by Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978), the inventor of gardens which gives its name to the Prize.
The Benetton Foundation promotes and conducts every year, from 1990, a campaign of attention to a particularly dense nature of values, memory and of invention, campaign called International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens.
The awards are intended to help elevate and spread the culture of "government of the landscape"; is proposed as a tool to raise awareness and opportunity, beyond the boundaries of the restricted community of specialists, the intellectual and manual work necessary to govern the changes in places, to protect and enhance the heritage and authentic nature of memory; work still lacks scientific status and curriculum, in which incorporated-scono sciences, techniques, arts and crafts the most diverse; work done by identifying the signs and of the constituent characteristics of the sites, conterminazione the objections of their am-; work that involves creative acts, forward-looking programs of renewal, everyday practices of care and maintenance, rules governing the coexistence, in the same place, of natural heritage, sediments cultural and human presence; work that shuns all ephemeral phenomenon or effect of search, and which finds its difficult parameter in the long-term; work that seeks a balance between conservation and innovation, in terms of the mobility of the taste and permanent transformation of the role that nature and memory exercise in different civilizations and historical periods.
The jury annually selects a place that these characters, merits attention, inspires reflection relevant to the objectives of the award and reasons in writing for your choice. The decisions of the Jury are final.
The Jury proposes and coordinates, during the campaign, actions it considers necessary for the preservation and enhancement of the site reported, addressing, also through the means of social communication, public administrators, scientific communities, arts-tics, techniques, operative, and in general those who are involved or interested in promoting the elevation of taste, the formation of new attitudes survey and the project, The qualification of the management methods of landscapes and gardens. In particular, pre-views: the publication of a dossier, in Italian and English, for local knowledge, his-tory, geography and current conditions, of its clients, artists and curators; an exhibition of documentary materials; the collection of bibliographical and cartographical materials relevant to be put into consultation in the library / documentation center of the Benetton Foundation; the organization of a public meeting during which it is delivered to the institution or person responsible for the government of the place a symbolic recognition, consists of the "seal" designed by Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978), the inventor of gardens which gives its name to the Prize; other initiatives designed to deepen and dissemination, also aimed at schools.
Benetton Foundation – Fact Sheet
The Benetton Foundation was founded in 1987.
President: Luciano Benetton.
Director: Marco Tamaro.
Coordinator Award: Domenico Luciani.
Main aims: studies and research on landscape.
The multiannual programs are defined with the help of advisory committees specific.
The activity is mainly in the fields of documentation (library, cartoteca, iconography, archive); study and research (processing, seminars, conferences, short courses); experimentation (laboratories); publications; projects for the school; cultural activities for the local community (meetings of an informative nature, festivals film forum, literary or musical events, exhibitions).
The International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens, established in 1990, is a project
of long-term nature which annually research and designation, by
of an International Jury, a place of particular value, on which attention is concentrated scientific and popular.
Jury of the International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens
Luigi Latini, architect, researcher at the University IUAV of Venice;
Domenico Luciani, architect, landscape painter, coordinator of the Prize of the Jury;
Monique Mosser, art historian, lecturer in the School of Architecture of Versailles, cnrs, member of the International Committee for Historic Gardens and Landscape ICOMOS;
Lionello Puppi, art historian, professor emeritus at the University of Venice;
President of the Jury;
Tito Jose Rojo, professor at the University of Granada;
Massimo Venturi Ferriolo, professor of aesthetics at the Polytechnic of Milan.
Honorary Members:
Carmen Añón, landscape painter, professor at the University of Madrid, by the Jury 1990 to the 2010;
Thomas Wright, former consultant to the National Trust and professor at the University of London
(Wye College), by the Jury 1990 to the 2000.
Were members of the Jury:
Sven-Ingvar Andersson (1927-2007), landscape painter;
Rosario Hired (1915-1994), philosopher;
Ippolito Pizzetti (1926-2007), landscape painter.
Scientific Advisory Committee of the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche
Margherita Azzi Visentini (University of Milan), Patrizia Boschiero (Benetton Foundation
Research Studies, Treviso), Hervé Brunon (cnrs, Centre André Chastel, Paris),
Luigi Latini (Iuav, Venice), Domenico Luciani (coordinator of the Scientific Advisory Committee), Monique Mosser (School of architecture of Versailles), Lionello Puppi (University
Ca 'Foscari, Venice), Massimo Rossi (Benetton Foundation, Treviso), Tom Simons (emeritus professor of the Polytechnic of Otaniemi, Helsinki), Marco Tamaro (director
the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Treviso), Tito Jose Rojo (University of Granada), Massimo Venturi Ferriolo (Polytechnic of Milan), Simonetta Zanon (Benetton Foundation
Research Studies, Treviso).
established and organized by
Benetton Foundation
dedicated to
SkrHeather, Nupur. Dyrafjordur, Iceland
press conference of presentation of the Award 2013
Tuesday 26 March 2013, at 12
La Triennale di Milano, lab room, avenue Alemagna 6
second press conference and preview of the exhibition Prize 2013
Thursday 9 May 2013, at 12
Treviso, Benetton Foundation, spaces Bomben
shows the place designated by the Prize 2013
with opening public lecture on Friday Icelandic landscape 10 May 2013, at 18
open until Sunday 30 June 2013
from Tuesday to Friday 15-20, Saturday and Sunday 10-20
Treviso, Benetton Foundation, spaces Bomben
seminar on the place designated by the Prize 2013
Saturday 11 May 2013, pm 9.30 at 13.30
Treviso, Benetton Foundation, auditorium spaces Bomben
public ceremony of the Prize 2013
Saturday 11 May 2013, pm 17 at 19
Treviso, Teatro Comunale Mario Del Monaco, Corso del Popolo 31
Benetton Foundation, via Cornarotta 7-9, 31100 Treviso
such. +39.0422.5121, fax +39.0422.579483,
Press Office
Umbrella, viale Felissent 48, 31100 Treviso
such. +39.0422. 305442,
Benetton Foundation, via Cornarotta 7-9, 31100 Treviso
such. +39.0422.5121