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NOVO Italy srl is a brand that was born from the idea and the desire to go against the traditional patterns, without denying the craft experiences that the parent company has built over 60 years of activity. Free rein to creativity, al design, oestrus art and culture of recycling, also through the recovery of materials used in
The company Ceramica Althea has been operating in the field of bathroom over 20 age. The brand “100% Made in Italy” and historians and proven production standards have allowed Ceramica Althea to enter the international market products of the highest quality and prestige, as well as offering a high level of assurance of the authenticity of all creation. Thanks to the artistic direction
Il salone “Roin Style” – un luogo unico nel suo genere, primo ed unico parrucchiere russo a Roma. La nostra atmosfera calda: non grande ma molto confortevole salone, il delizioso caffe italiano, la televisione russa, i maestri russi e ucraini – parrucchieri ed estetiste – hanno gia conquistato e soddisfatto italiani, e clienti di un’altra
Franco Marcone arredamenti ,è tra le aziende più specializzate nel mercato dell’arredamento per interni. Presenta sul sito una vasta gamma di arredamenti, tra cui, kitchens, mobili per la zona giorno e notte, oltre che un reparto camerette nello stile moderno e contemporaneo, che rispondono perfettamente a qualsiasi esigenza in fatto di design e prezzo, dando
The attention to product, man and the environment, united love of authentic materials, are the values at the basis of Scandola, the key points of his choices. This attitude comes the simple but effective recipe that leads to the production of furniture able to expertly combine authenticity, high craftsmanship and aesthetic perfection. The expression of respect for
Ditre Italian. Sit back and get ready to navigate in a sea of ideas and design solutions designed to meet all your personal idea of comfort. Six product lines with a balanced mix of quality, price and design, will allow you to find the sofa you most resemble, choosing among those covered in fabric and
The origins of our company date back to World War II when Francis Cavaler, owner founder, driven by a passion for wood, worked in the shops of the first carpenters demonstrating tenacity and great skill in playing style furniture and vintage. Subsequently, in the fifties, began, with his family, the production of furniture and
Eiffelgres nasce nel 2001 as a division of Iris Ceramica group dedicated to the production and marketing of technical porcelain slabs full body ricavandosi since its inception an important place on the world stage of architectural design and construction market in high-end. Stone Source Eiffelgres working on minimum. Least, under the