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The door almost unnoticed by the presence, "Necessary", becomes an important element to feature in a personal environment. Arises from this consideration to the development of original projects and badges, clear signs of ongoing research that distinguishes us, attentive to the small signals from the market and especially by our client, inexhaustible source of reference and inspiration.
Edilgreen is part of a group of companies for a total of 100 employees with a production potential of about 1.000 doors finished a day. 20.000square meters of factory with 2 warehouses raw materials and one of finished product with 15.000 doors for immediate delivery.
For a better quality control Edilgreen follows the entire production, purchase of timber, the design, production, packing and delivery.
Edilgreen trademark of Master Profili Srl
Via Emilio Segre 36 Z.I. Corella
31040 – Meduna di Livenza – Treviso – Italy
TELEPHONE: +39 0422 865192
FAX: +39 0422 866212