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The art designer Paola Di Serio, active in the world of interior design with a personal interpretation of MOSAICS; characterized by an exclusive and balanced research materials, over 10 Years interprets familiar faces, historic posters, logos of famous brands, up to the exclusive lines JEWEL, NATURAL, PIN UP, RETRO’, OPTICAL e le ultime nate ANIMALS e BUTTERFLY.
Thanks to continuous artistic research, Italian artist has succeeded in establishing his style in the public and private installations for local, loft, private houses and villas, offering wide-ranging technique used through the wall cladding, columns, floors and architectural elements.
Artist and designer Paola di Serio have devoted several articles in national and international, such as magazine design "AD" (Architectural Digest), "People Travel" and "Riders", as well as television aired on Tg2 "and society", within "Not only Fashion" and under the heading "All in a weekend" Sky.
Paola Di Serio – Art Studio Design
Via D'Addozio, 48
75100 – Matera – MT – ITALY
TELEPHONE: 0835.256583
FAX: 0835.256583