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Fitting Piarotto

Fitting Piarotto

Piarotto produces furniture from 1922 plants in the province of Venice Mirano.

A million bookcases Fitting sold since the 60.

The production and marketing of branded mobile Fitting, Skaffa and Nikka is carried out by Mobilie snc di Pietro Luigi Piarotto & C. We know the sector of modular furniture to the smallest detail, our know-how guarantees the quality of the materials used, the hardware and easy assembly.

The production of Piarotto includes brands such as:

Fitting, Interfitting, Armadiorama, Spelling, P55, Maxell, Mx, Measure, A&A and boasts collaborations with designers such as high-level Gio 'Pomodoro, Bob Noorda, Enzo Berti, Pietro Nieder, Mion Manente Bonetti (Kairos).

The products have been published in leading design magazines and interior.

Fitting Piarotto

Via Accoppe Fratte 11


Mirano – Venice – Italy

TELEPHONE: 0415728422

FAX: 0415728444