Bravo The research focuses on the characteristics and materials tailored to every detail, supported by the desire to create compositions that, whole, give rise to highly functional and sometimes even at the limit of traditional patterns. The design Bravo results in a flexible and dynamic modularity, given by the composition of unique elements of
Gicinque, company which means tradition. The family Zaccariotto with great passion manufacturing kitchens for more than 50 age, constantly seeing increased demand for its products in four continents. From the beginning we aimed to revive the grace of the past in terms of modern design; with an eye to modern eco-friendly use
For over forty years, what is the soul Effeti curiosity to explore and interpret the new lifestyles, those changing tastes and lifestyle, that affect the lifestyles and needs of people. The vocation of the Tuscan brand is to think of what does not exist, explore new avenues, accept new challenges in
Founded in 1979 a Brugnera (Pordenone) in the Northeast of Italy, MAIOR KITCHENS S.p.A.. was founded as a company specializing in the production of modular kitchens. Still retains a high degree of craftsmanship which is the main distinctive feature of its product. While offering its customers the possibility to choose between classic and modern, enriched with a