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Il salone “Roin Style” – un luogo unico nel suo genere, primo ed unico parrucchiere russo a Roma. La nostra atmosfera calda: non grande ma molto confortevole salone, il delizioso caffe italiano, la televisione russa, i maestri russi e ucraini – parrucchieri ed estetiste – hanno gia conquistato e soddisfatto italiani, e clienti di un’altra
So Chic Design Dario Delpin A backrest with the pence that accompany the wraparound, rounded corners and the fabric of wool, make this session a unique and pleasant piece of furniture for the contract over different areas, where comfort and elegance are important elements of choice. This is also thanks to different media
SOVET Italian HUG Design Massimo Zaniboni and Paola Bonazzi A table consists of simple shapes that are pursued in a fluid loop, folds back on itself harmoniously. The overlap of the surfaces provides different levels of support and an optical effect of infinite form, emphasized in particular from distressed paint or plating of the base. Technical info:
Roberti Coral Reef (Santiago Sevillano design): It is a line of furniture playful and at the same time refined, that can live in the purity of white or intensity of warm and soothing natural tones. It is a complete collection: includes tables, chairs, stools, sunbeds, a sectional sofa and an original and fun sun. For structures are