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So Chic Design Dario Delpin A backrest with the pence that accompany the wraparound, rounded corners and the fabric of wool, make this session a unique and pleasant piece of furniture for the contract over different areas, where comfort and elegance are important elements of choice. This is also thanks to different media
So young, so determined! A young brand in fact - was born in 2007 - But above all in the spirit, Chairs & More developed around twenty years of experience in this area of its founder, Marco Roseano, after a long sharing success of another company in the Chair Triangle, decides to undertake "solo" this trip to
LaSedia Ltd. continues the tradition of one of the first factories in Manzano fate, founded in 1936 by Luigi Bolzicco and is still run by the same family LaSedia Ltd., leader in the field of chairs and folding tables, offers a wide range of products for the home, l’outdoor e il contract, in addition to supplies