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Design and engineering solutions On the occasion of the 30th Cersaie in Bologna from 25 to 29 September Geberit in collaboration with PAINI (Pad. 32 stand A28 B15), HATRIA (Pad. 21 A39 B38) and AGAPE (Ceramics St. Augustine Pad. 16 stand B12 – C11)exposes different design solutions Geberit Monolith. Designed by Daniel Iranyi and Tom Staubli (Tribecraft Zurigo) and how
The form for washbasin, toilet and bidet Designed by Daniel and Tom Staubli Irányi of the design studio Tribecraft (Zurich) Geberit Monolith modules allow you to install sink, wc or bidet in front of existing walls, in plasterboard, without complicated masonry. Geberit Monolith is a thin rectangular basin (73x114x11cm) which supports the washbasin (any