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Bericoplast S.p.A. was founded in 1974 the Brendola (Vicenza) and is currently considered one of the first European industries producing sessions monocoque obtained by injection molding of plastics.
The highly dynamic design and production versatility have always distinguished accomplishments that company, years, was able to produce and promote numerous products that met in an innovative manner to the needs of functionality, flexibility and personalization of the environment in which they were included contributing to their success in terms of aesthetics and quality.
Particularly relevant is the over thirty-year experience of the company in the field of sports facilities. The largest percentage of the turnover of Bericoplast is focused on its installations in large sports but the company is getting great satisfaction in the field of supply of chairs for the home, cinema and theaters.
All collections Bericoplast are produced entirely in Italy and manufactured in recyclable materials 90%.
Bericoplast SpA
Via A. Pacinotti, 11
36040 – Brentwood – Vicenza – Italy
TELEPHONE: +39 0444 400738
FAX: +39 0444 400015